Last night the weather prediction said that it was supposed to rain today around 11 am. When I woke up this morning, the sun was bright and the next door neighbor had her laundry hanging out, so I decided to… Read more ›
I’m trying really hard to eat healthier, but it is difficult to convince oneself to partake in a green smoothie with frozen ingredients when it is raining (borderline snowing) outside and the house is cold. It’s so much easier to… Read more ›
It’s Jan. 2 and we’re all lounging about, doing not much at all. I got to sleep in until 9:45. It’s a nice  way to start the year. Bruce and I watched Ascension (the Scyfy mini-series) last night. It was… Read more ›
This is really a post for family who didn’t get to see the girls on Christmas.
We spent Christmas Eve day at the Tokyo Skytree because the girls wanted to show B the Christmas market set up at the base that reminded them of the Amsterdam Christmas market that we learned about in school. So we… Read more ›
While my parents were here we took them to a bunch of awesome places. We went to the Open Air Museum in Hakone, one of my favorite places in Japan. This is Van Gogh. By Picasso There’s a huge tower… Read more ›
While my parents were here we went to a bunch of different places. We went to the Shrine of the 47 Ronin: My dad acted out the story for the girls- this is the well where they washed the head… Read more ›
Towards the end of November we hiked up Mt. Takao to see the changing leaves. The pictures in this post are backwards, so they start at the top of the mountain and go back through our adventure. A manhole cover.This… Read more ›
We took my parents out to the Imperial Palace grounds. It was really beautiful. It’s always rained when we went previously, so we never went inside and looked around. The moat. The dolphin that used to be on the gate… Read more ›
While my parents were here we went to Tokyo Disneyland for the day. (They went for two days to celebrate their anniversary.) It was all decorated for Halloween, and was pretty fantastic. During the month of October, anyone can wear… Read more ›