It’s 7:39 in the morning, and everyone else in my house is asleep. Why am I awake? (The non-rhetorical answer is that Audrey woke up just before 7 and I got her to go back to sleep in her swing… Read more ›
I think I meant to post this over on Z’s site, but this is where I logged in, so here it stays. Today at dinner, B was goofing around with Z, and getting some pretty funny reactions, when all of… Read more ›
An incomplete list of things that are making me quite happy recently: The song Like A Friend by Pulp The soundtrack to Tick Tick…..Boom. Utterly brilliant. I’d forgotten. The end of the Office this last week. (Well, week before last.… Read more ›
Go check out this video, it’s a masterpiece!
Just so you all know, I may have lost my mind. I’m making a quilt. Me, the queen of eschewing exactness, who possesses not only very little patience, but also no ability to cut in a straight line. Making a… Read more ›
It’s been a busy couple of days. Audrey is home with us and we’re all adjusting fairly well. Zoe adores her, and is genuinely thrilled each morning to see that she’s still here, which is a blessing.
So it looks like I’m in labor. Feels like it too. Which is amusing seeing as just earlier today (I guess yesterday, actually, seeing as I went to sleep in between) we set an induction date of Friday for Miss… Read more ›
Audrey Katana has yet to make an appearance (which is good because it’s not time for her to do that yet- another 3 weeks!) but B has her website up and running. (What? Zoe has one, Audrey gets one too!).… Read more ›
After reading the following exchange, you can decide for yourself whether the title of this post refers to the act of laughing hysterically, or losing one’s mind. The scene: Z is sitting at her little table, which is laid out… Read more ›
There’s been some question in my mind recently as to whether Zoe was actually switched in the hospital at birth, due to her aversion to all things sweet. Cakes, candies, cookies- she wants none of them. Well, actually, she hasn’t… Read more ›