Zoe loves books, and loves to have me read to her. Usually I love it, but today I found myself saying: “Can’t you pick another book? Preferably one that isn’t 400 pages and a coloring book?” Yes, I’ve read a… Read more ›
Remember this post? Turns out it wasn’t hypothetical, even back when it was written, we were just keeping secrets. Yup, Zoe’s going to be a big sister
While it’s not quite up there with “Stop standing on the baby’s head!” and other such great mommy lines, this surprised me when it came out of my mouth today: “No! Don’t put him in there! Lex Luthor does not… Read more ›
I’m tired today. Tired and frustrated. I’m frustrated because I have reviews to finish and writing has hit the point where it’s ceased to be fun and begun to be torture. I wish that writing was easy, and then I… Read more ›
I need to find girl characters in children’s books whose names start with the following letters: F, I, K, O, U, V, X It would be preferable if they were nice characters, but at this point I can’t be picky.… Read more ›
This post was inspired by Zoe’s little videos. Are Stephanie from Lazy Town and Deedee Doodle sisters? In my mind, the answer is yes. The music on LazyTown reminds me of the music from the Josie and the Pussycat dolls… Read more ›
Picture this: It’s 1 am on the second night we’re in the new apartment. B is in Israel, Zoe is asleep in her room, I’m asleep in mine. The silence is broken by a noise coming from the baby monitor,… Read more ›
Most importantly, and before anything else- ZOE IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! Praise all that is good and holy. It truly is a beautiful thing, and I learned a lot about myself in the process. But more on that in… Read more ›
Some of you may have noticed that my blog was down for a while- some server problem that my darling husband fixed. In the probleming a post was lost, about how accident prone I was the other day. The important… Read more ›
Pardon me while I get a little hippie for a moment. Last night Zo