Yesterday (and every day), I was grateful for my wonderful nephews who fill my life with intelligent, thought provoking questions and ideas. It was their birthday yesterday (I can’t believe they’re 7!) and I cherish them as much as I… Read more ›
Today for our adventure day, we went to the Heritage Rose Garden in San Jose. They have thousands of varieties of roses, some hundreds of years old. (The varieties, not the plants themselves. I assume. What do I know for… Read more ›
Today I’m thankful for my seam ripper. I’m working on a baby blanket (a simple one, mind you) and I have now completely sewn and undone the binding 3 times. My seam ripper is my friend. I’m also thankful for… Read more ›
Today I am thankful for technology. Technology that helps me when I’m lost, like my magical iPhone and its map function. I seriously don’t know how I coped before I had it. I know I wouldn’t be able to pull… Read more ›
Today (all days) I’m grateful for Bruce. I’m grateful for him for a huge number of reasons, but today I’m grateful for him because he buys me presents. That sounds kind of mercenary, but gift giving/receiving is my main love… Read more ›
Written a day late. Today I’m grateful for good friends. It’s taken a while, but I really feel like I have a solid group of friends here, and I really love them. I’m thankful that we can talk about everything,… Read more ›
I’m stealing my friend Valerie’s idea and posting a gratitude post every day for the month of November. I’ve never been all that big on Thanksgiving – it was a fun holiday to spend with my cousins – but I… Read more ›
It’s been a couple days of presents, woohoo! I love presents. First, it was Liz’s birthday, and I was struck by inspiration at the craft store and ended up making her this: It’s a mini-album that is spiral bound, and… Read more ›
Some of you may not know I worked in the comic book industry for about 10 years. I managed a comic shop, wrangled comic book writers and artists (as well as cartoonists, animators, actors…) for the country’s biggest (and best)… Read more ›
Things making me happy today: My friend Hilary said some extraordinarily nice things about my blog on her blog today. So nice, in fact, that it made me tear up a little. It’s an amazing thought that other people might… Read more ›