Thanks giving Day 1

I’m stealing my friend Valerie’s idea and posting a gratitude post every day for the month of November. I’ve never been all that big on Thanksgiving – it was a fun holiday to spend with my cousins – but I always felt it was kind of… eh on actual celebration. So hopefully this will put me in more of a Thanksgiving mood.

Today I’m thankful for my new calling. I got sustained today so it’s official, although I still need to get set apart, something I forgot about until just now. (Note to self: Remember to get set apart.)  And the new calling is……..

Mom’s Playgroup Leader.

Seriously, I’m so excited. As I think I’ve mentioned, I really feel “called” to this — in the last couple of weeks I’ve had so many conversations with other moms about how fellowship and support of other women is so important, and the vision of everything playgroup can be, and how it fits into Relief Society,  has really been very clear to me.

When I knew I was going to be released as YW President, I prayed and prayed that my next calling would be where I could serve the most, and I think that’s really shaped my attitude going into this calling.  The bishop’s counselor who extended the calling said it would give me the chance to decompress a bit, which is funny, because Becky (the RS counselor over playgroup) and I have been planning full speed since I was called. We have some great things lined up (music and motion, storytime, cooking with kids, arts and crafts, the list goes on and on), and I’m really excited to see what we can do and the strength and fellowship that can be fostered. Gah, I just love it.

I’m thankful for a lot of other things too, not least of which is my wonderful husband who took care of everything this afternoon when I came home from church with an exploding head and feeling ready to fall over, but I’m saving those to spread out over the rest of this thankful month.

What are you thankful for today?

4 thoughts on “Thanks giving Day 1

  1. Cindy on

    In Utah we call this a nursery leader or are you something different in California? Is this done during a weekday or on Sunday? Now I’m so confused MY head is going to explode! LOL!

  2. Maryanne… there are many people also excited. I will be excited in around 6 months. Until then it’s naptime, almost all the time. 🙂

  3. Maryanne on

    It’s not nursery, it’s an activity day during the week for kids 0-5 and their moms – a chance for the kids to play and the moms to get to know each other and talk. We’re planning all kinds of different activities, and it should be REALLY fun.
    Hilary, we’re actually talking about doing a “baby” group — we’ll have to talk. 🙂

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