Thanks giving day 2

Written a day late.

Today I’m grateful for good friends. It’s taken a while, but I really feel like I have a solid group of friends here, and I really love them. I’m thankful that we can talk about everything, from parenting to dance shows to deep spiritual conversations. I’m thankful that I can hang out with them 3 times a week and not get tired of their company. I’m thankful that my girls are friends not only with their kids, but with them. Most of the time if I’m talking to one of them on the phone, Z wants to get on to tell her something or ask something. I’m so thankful that they are such great examples to Zoe (and Audrey too, she just doesn’t know it yet) of strong, righteous women. I’m thankful that I learn from them constantly, and that they are so generous with their knowledge and wisdom.

I’m thankful for my friends who I don’t see all the time too – those friends I keep in touch with through e-mail or facebook or blogs, who I know love and support me just the same as if we saw each other every day. And when we do see each other, it’s as though we do see each other every day.

Yay friends.

PS. These posts aren’t in any kind of order, just whatever I’m feeling like writing about that day, or what I have energy to get into. 🙂 So don’t go reading into any of it!

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