I went on a bit of an Agatha Christie binge this week, and that set me on a roll for the rest of the week. Cards on the Table: Hercule Poirot Investigates  begins with a dinner party that consists of… Read more ›
These are the books I read in January. It always takes me longer to read non-fiction than fiction, so I spent a long time on not so many books this month. Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace by Anne Lamott… Read more ›
I’m trying really hard to eat healthier, but it is difficult to convince oneself to partake in a green smoothie with frozen ingredients when it is raining (borderline snowing) outside and the house is cold. It’s so much easier to… Read more ›
It’s Jan. 2 and we’re all lounging about, doing not much at all. I got to sleep in until 9:45. It’s a nice  way to start the year. Bruce and I watched Ascension (the Scyfy mini-series) last night. It was… Read more ›
This is really a post for family who didn’t get to see the girls on Christmas.
We spent Christmas Eve day at the Tokyo Skytree because the girls wanted to show B the Christmas market set up at the base that reminded them of the Amsterdam Christmas market that we learned about in school. So we… Read more ›
Earlier in the week we took a trip up to Nagano. Nagano is about 150 miles north east of Tokyo, so we took the Shinkansen (bullet train) to get there. It took about an hour and a half and was a… Read more ›
Since it’s the last day of the year, I’d better catch up on the last books I read in December. Bohemians, Bootleggers, Flappers, and Swells: The Best of Early Vanity Fairis a collection of articles from Vanity Fair written between… Read more ›
While my parents were here we took them to a bunch of awesome places. We went to the Open Air Museum in Hakone, one of my favorite places in Japan. This is Van Gogh. By Picasso There’s a huge tower… Read more ›
While my parents were here we went to a bunch of different places. We went to the Shrine of the 47 Ronin: My dad acted out the story for the girls- this is the well where they washed the head… Read more ›