I started the week reading Looking for Alaska, which I wrote about in the last post because it fit thematically, but I could have kept it to post with this week’s books, because they all flowed from that same vein.… Read more ›
These are the books I read last week. And one I finished today, but I’m including it because it works so well thematically. Â All three of these books deal with how we see other people, and how, ultimately, we never… Read more ›
It snowed yesterday. All day. It was the biggest snowfall in Tokyo since 1998. Zoe was beyond thrilled, it was a “wish come true” to wake up to snow. The girls went outside and played in it a little bit… Read more ›
Today I took the girls to Sunshine City in Ikebukuro to go to Build a Bear as a surprise. They were surprised and excited, because I’d told them we weren’t going to go to Build a Bear for a reeeeeeaaalllly… Read more ›
It’s 10:36 am. It’s sunny outside, but 37 degrees. It snowed yesterday, and the girls were beyond thrilled. I was beyond thrilled that it didn’t snow a lot. 🙂 This is what our yard looked like: The snow melted during… Read more ›
Today is setsubun, which is the day before the first day of spring. Taken from Wikipedia: “It is a sort of New Year’s Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive… Read more ›
Tiny and I went exploring in Jiyugaoka today, which is one train stop from where we live. We went into an area we haven’t ventured before, and found this beautiful temple. Do you see the dragon friend?
These are the books I read this week. Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters! is one of the books that I bought this… Read more ›
This week I read part of a couple of books (I may be giving up on Cold for the time being) and dove into A True Novel by Minae Mizumura. It’s marketed as “Wuthering Heights set in post-war Japan”, and while that… Read more ›
I was thinking that I should have posted some pictures of the girls in the last post, but I didn’t have any new ones handy. Then Tiny came in and started posing up a storm- so for any of you… Read more ›