Freakazoid, one of the best animated shows EVER is now available on DVD. This is one of the best things to have happened in some period of time I have yet to define. You should go buy it now. If… Read more ›
Betsy has a name! Elenoa Atamarie – the first name pronounced like Elenora but without the r, and the middle name pronounced aught-ah-mar-ee-ay. (I’m pretty sure on the spelling of her first name, but it might be Elanoa. I’ll check… Read more ›
There’s a new Huntzinger! Alissia had her baby today at 4:02, the baby weighs … are you ready for it? 9lbs 5 oz. HUGE. Massive. She’s 22 inches long. She doesn’t have a name yet, but hopefully will by tomorrow.… Read more ›
Modern, Cool Nerd 65 % Nerd, 52% Geek, 21% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or… Read more ›
Girl 1: If they sent some guy who didn’t know what he was doing to my house to give me an estimate, I’d feel gyped. Girl 2: Gyped is actually a derogatory term, did you know? Girl 1: Really? For… Read more ›
Zia has taken up my challenge, and left me quite a list of topics about which to babble. I will endeavor to do my best. (Side note, you can tell Zoe is napping decently today because I have time to… Read more ›
This is a test. This is only a test. If this were a real post it would have something interesting to say. Maybe.