Zoe with a colander on her head.
Cross posted on Z’s blog. Today in the car, Z and I had the following conversation, with Bruce getting in the car and joining part way through. Imagine me trying really hard not to crack up the whole time. Z:… Read more ›
For those of you who have expressed interest, there are new posts, with pictures on both Zoe and Audrey’s sites. Check them out: Zoe Audrey
Keep an eye out, she will eat you. That is all.
The other day I made my daughter cry on purpose. That sounds horrible, I know. Here’s what happened. Z has a naptime every day. Many of those days, she doesn’t sleep. For the first while (ranging between a half an… Read more ›
We got back from Disneyland this evening, and we are all exhausted. Before I conk out, however, I thought I would share some insights learned on this trip- things I never noticed about Disneyland before I went there with small… Read more ›
it is 9:25 pm. Zoe is still awake, talking in her bed. Her bedtime is 7:30. I am well aware of the math going on here. Audrey just barely went back to sleep after screaming her little head off. We… Read more ›
to http://audreykatana.info for an important update. Thank you.
Is the the 5th list of this kind on this here blog? I can’t be bothered to check. If it’s not, and that bothers you, you need to change your attitude.
Things that are making me happy today: Christmas… Read more ›
New pictures of Misses Zoe and Audrey (some with matching clothes, no less!) on http://audreykatana.info. That is all.