At this moment
The girls are in bed for rest time. I’m doubting that naps will actually happen, but hopefully some rest will.
I really should be getting my writing done for the day, but I’m not. Did you know I’m writing a 50,000 word novel this month? Why, you ask? Heaven knows. I get talked into some crazy things. Although, if you want to get technical about it, I may recall that in this case I was the one talking people into it… but let’s not get all detail oriented at this point. I’m up to 10,3000 ish words at the moment, which is ahead of where I need to be to finish on time- about a day ahead, which is making it hard for me to summon the will power to do that same days worth today instead of just sit back and coast. (I know, I know, I’ll do it. Sheesh.)
I’m really unmotivated today, I think I’m coming down with something. I just can’t summon up the energy to do anything. Although I did sort through all of the toy bins today and put everything back where it goes, as well as clean the kitchen and vacuum, so it’s not like I’m laying around eating bon bons. And I’m really not eating bon bons because I’m trying to stay away from sugar, the sole exception being hot chocolate because it’s dang cold out.
I’m kind of completely obsessed with the idea of making a quilt inspired by The Darjeeling Limited, one of my favorite movies ever. It’s set in India and is gorgeous, and the colors keep popping in my head and they need to go somewhere. I spent a portion of this morning collecting pictures that had the colors and patterns I’ve been imagining, would you like to see?
If you click on that it will take you to a bigger version. I just love the aquas and the oranges and golds with the fuschias — so so pretty.
I have a bunch of projects to do, and I’m tired and don’t want to work on any of them.
I watched Live to Dance last night and highly enjoyed it- some really really good stuff. And even when it wasn’t fabulous, the “experts” were really nice about it, and it was pleasant to watch. I’d link to some of the numbers, but they don’t seem to be up anywhere.
I think I’m going to go take a nap.
What’s going on with you at this moment? (Hopefully it’s more exciting than this!)
Ooo… those colors are delish.
Tell me you’re coming to girls night.
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