Japan!: Our Daikanyama neighborhood
Some photos from our neighborhood. We’re going exploring later today, so expect more soon. 🙂
The puppy bus!! Cause for great excitement every time the girls see it. (It’s just a regular bus. But you know, with a puppy on it.)
High fashion. Z saw it and said, “Is that a GARBAGE BAG??” Apparently she has not been introduced yet to Derelicte by Mugato.
Check out Z’s face in the reflection. The girls were enraptured with this super girlie store. Everything in it is 315 yen (roughly $3.15) and very pink and flowery and lacy.
The girls also stopped short in front of this store. Everything in the window is covered in glittery crystals. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) most stores don’t open until 11am, and this was around 9am, so we couldn’t go in.
And this sign just made me laugh.
Lots of French influence around here- this is one patisserie out of I don’t know how many.