Japan! Snow in Meguro
We’re home from Japan, but I had to make one last Japan post (for now. What does THAT mean? Wait and see!) about our last day there.
The whole time we were in Tokyo, Zoe hoped that it would snow. The girls have never been in snow, and wished and wished for it. We had a small amount of snow when we were in Hakone – enough to count, but not real snow snow. The day we were due to leave, the spirit of Japan smiled on two little girls, and down it came.
It started out very melty, but the girls didn’t care. They just ate as much of it as they could.
Then it got colder and started to stick.
The view on the way to the airport to check in our luggage. (We went in the morning even though our flight didn’t leave until evening, and I’m so glad we did. By the afternoon, driving was super sketchy. We took taxis to the airport, then a train back to the apartment, then went back in the evening by train.)
The streets of Meguro in the snow. Cars were struggling on Meguro Dori, which is a long incline, and at one point there were about 6 guys helping push a delivery truck up the street.
The flower shop we passed every day. Poor flowers.
Super blurry shot just to show that even in snow, legs must prevail. NO PANTS!!
The hill to our apartment. I won’t lie, it was a bit treacherous.
Out our balcony.
No pants in the snow? I swear… that is just insane. Those Japanese women are serious.
Still it looks wonderful and we’re all glad you’re home safe and sound. I’m amazed that neither of the girls had been in the snow. It’s neat that Japan was their first experience, but now that you’re home our *California snow* is only a 3 hour drive away. Haha!
It looks like you guys had an amazing time out there. Such a great experience for the girls (and you and Bruce)!
I hope the transition back home is going easily and that everyone is happy and healthy!