Japan! Meguro (or, where we live)

We live in a part of the city called Meguro. It’s a nice little area, and we like it.

This is our apartment building:

We live on the 4th floor.

This is our street:

Our street has no name- most of the streets in Tokyo don’t. The main streets (doris) do, and we live around the corner from Meguro Dori.

If you walk down Meguro Dori one way, you get to the grocery store and the train station. If you walk the other way, you cross a canal:

There are a number of shrines and temples in our area. This first one is just down the street, tucked between buildings:

This next is called Otori Shrine and is about a 10 minute walk from our apartment. We found it by accident while we were looking for the Yuten-ji Temple.

And here are pictures from the Yuten-ji Temple. It was raining when we found it, but we had fun exploring the little area it’s in.

The gate into the area. If you look just past Tiny in the picture, you can see the stairs that lead up to where the temple is.

The girls and a toad. He was very photogenic.


This lovely gentleman guarded the fountain where you wash your hands and mouth before entering the temple.

The actual temple.

Prayers written on tablets.

Discarded fortunes.

I believe this is Kannon Bodhisattva, goddess of mercy.




No photography allowed inside the temple, but we got this one just outside.


I don’t know who this is (above), but I love him. Her? I don’t know. It was all in Japanese.

Other buildings in the temple area:

One thought on “Japan! Meguro (or, where we live)

  1. So nice. I love all the temples — especially the ones tucked between the buildings. The sculptures are magnificent and the architecture, too. Amazing when you realize how old they are.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

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