At this moment
It’s 7:30 am.
It’s overcast and gorgeous outside. It’s supposed to get hot today, which will be lovely, but I love the cloudy mornings. I’m ready for fall to move in, I think.
Z is playing games on the floor. I have yet to figure out exactly what to do with this time between 7 (when Z wakes up, without fail, every day of her life) and whenever Tiny wakes up (anytime between 7 and 8:30). It’s hard to plan anything, because there’s no telling when I’ll have to stop what I’m doing because Tiny’s up. So I end up letting Z play games, which she loves, and I just putz around on the computer. And write blog posts.
I’ve been reevaluating our whole schedule, now that we’ve been through almost 2 weeks of homeschooling- trying to sort out what’s working and what’s not, how we can plan things so that they go more smoothly. I realized that much of this process is the same as when you have your first child and beforehand you have everything all figured out. You’ve researched, you’ve pondered, you’ve prayed, you know your philosophy and approach, and you’re all set. And then the baby comes, and you have the realization that they have a personality too, and that has to be taken into account in the plan. So we’re shortening some things, lengthening others, adding outside time, combining other things. It’s a work in process, and I don’t think that’s going to change. Homeschool is kind of a living entity, I’m realizing; a fluid, rather than a solid. Some people would say it’s a gas, the air around everything they do- that’s not my approach, at least not right now. It might be later. I don’t know; I’m just rambling and talking as I type. It’s not an analogy I’ve thought through. Don’t judge me. (Heehee.)
I’m also trying to plan in friend time- for the girls and for me. Luckily the friends that I want to spend time with are the moms of the kids they want to spend time with, so it works out well.
Today I’m trying to decide what we’re doing after school today- going swimming with friends (this would be the obvious answer, but the pool isn’t heated, and unless its HOT outside, Tiny gets all shivery and whiny after about 1/2 hr. but Z still wants to swim, and drama ensues.) or go to Santa Cruz. I’m just in a Santa Cruz kind of mood today.
And after a brief hiatus, it’s been decided. After writing, math, and reading today, we’ll be heading over the hill to the Santa Cruz Natural History Museum. Have I mentioned that I love homeschooling? 🙂
Have I also mentioned that I finished Othello the other night? I don’t think I did. I have a goal to read 5 Shakespeare plays this year – I haven’t read him in TOO long- and I read one earlier in the year, so it was time to get moving on that goal. I’ve read Othello before, but had forgotten how mean it is, the people in it are just nasty to Othello, and everyone except Desdemona is super quick to judge. Poor Desdemona. She gets short shrift, both in the story and in character development- I’d like to see more about her. Anyway, now I have to decide which play to read next. I’m thinking Macbeth.
OK, girls are up, got to go. What’s going on with you at this moment?
I am pretty well a homeschooling mom before K, and I have to say that I really think that’s why God spaced our my children so far apart. It’s so nice not to really have to worry about another kid while you’re doing “educational stuff” good luck with that. 🙂
We, here, are trying to keep having dry pants. 🙂
I’m just sitting here voting for my grandbabies and checking in on buddies. I should be sewing the girls’ Christmas gifts today (one of them anyway) but I can’t seem to motivate myself. Kaje’ went to the hand surgeon again today who looks and acts like your dad and she’s having surgery again on it. We scheduled it for UEA in October when the university is out so she can have an extra day or two to rest and I can save up some more money that I’ll have to have up front. Oh the joys of having children, lol!
Other than that not much on the agenda today. I should make up schedules for dinners in advance but I wing it each and every day and today is one day I just don’t want to cook or do anything at all so this should be interesting. It’s going to be in the high 90s here today (so they say) and I just don’t function well in the heat. No central air either so maybe I’ll just shut the blinds and forget about the world outside, lol! Have a great day in Santa Cruz. You’re an awesome mom!