Emptying my head

I’ve got a lot rolling around in my head these days, but I’ve been struck by a cold and none of it’s coming out very coherently. So I present instead some random thoughts.

I found this post really interesting, and it put together really well some thoughts I’ve been trying to sort out about compassion. I feel like I’m getting a masters (or maybe just intense beginners) class on compassion lately.

This post is part of that class too. Read it, if just for the second paragraph.

This is my new favorite blog. She writes gorgeously and honestly.

These pictures inspire me.

These inspire me even more. (I LOVE the idea of pininterest, and love collecting pictures, but I have the feeling I’d just end up taking everyone else’s pictures.

I’ve been listening to this album nonstop this week: Lamb of God: a sacred work for choir, orchestra and soloists, it’s so amazingly gorgeous. I can’t recommend it highly enough in preparing for Easter.

Speaking of Easter, I am not the least bit prepared. I haven’t gotten out any of our Easter books, I don’t know that the Easter bunny has thought about baskets… I need to get in touch with that guy.

Do you want to see some stuff I’ve made recently?

These little guys were a quick make- and the girls love them. They’re supposed to have legs, but, well, they don’t.

I made the two little bear/bunnies for a baby shower gift- the dark brown and green for her new little boy, and the white and pink for his big sister- because you know she’d try to steal the other one. 🙂 The Godzilla was just for fun, and is sitting on top of my desk, though Z wants it desperately. I expect it will end up in her room by the end of the week.

I have the problem that I just have too many things I want to make. This is my craft book shelf:

(And I realized that one book is missing.) I compiled a list, and out of these books, there are over 50 projects that I want to do. That’s a lot.

My next project is supposed to be this:


A quilt for Z. The fabric is even cut into strips to be further cut so I can start sewing:

But I found this fabric the other day:

and I am completely and utterly distracted. I’m envisioning a quilt with 12 inch “windows” from this fabric, surrounded by thin brown strips (to make the window frame), then basket weave squares (like in the skull quilt above) in these colors:

with a little of this thrown in for good measure.

Or maybe that on the back? I’m not sure yet.

But I do need to get to the skull quilt first, as Z is getting a new bed, and needs a bigger quilt to go with it. All of her current quilts are definitely toddler bed-ish size, and she, sadly is not.

I don’t think I have anything else to say. I’m going to go make the lasagna that we’re going to have for dinner. What are you up to today?

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