Random thoughts
Are you ready for summer? We are.
She would wear this everyday if I’d let her. She won’t be so eager once she starts swim lessons, but that’s a fight for another day. 🙂 Our “summer” starts in a couple of weeks- preschool ends and swim lessons start- I’m excited. I love our preschool and the fun things we do with our friends for adventure days, but it will be nice to just have time to be outside and play. (Of course, seeing as I have to have everything organized, we still have a “schedule” for the summer – lots of pool days and park days and beach days and adventures. But it’s a lot more open than the non-summer months have been.)
I really think my Auntie (and my favorite Uncle and cutie pants cousin too…)Â should come visit me for a weekend (at least) and go to the beach with us…. I’m just sayin’….
I really feel like I should be heading to bed, it’s late (for me) but I totally scored today and took a 2 hour nap, which I think may doom me for falling asleep at any normal time. But who knows, maybe it won’t.
I’m reading some really interesting books right now- Come Be My Light by Mother Teresa, which is fascinating- I’ve not read much about her before; and Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life
by Margaret Kim Peterson, which is hands down one of the best books I’ve ever read. It looks at the spiritual implications and ramifications of homemaking and housekeeping, and as my dearly loved Brandy expressed about it- it’s extremely validating. Peterson puts into words so many things I’ve felt, and explores connections that I immediately recognize as truth. My favorite part so far – when speaking about the scripture in Matthew about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, and “as you did it to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” :
“There is a tendency, I think, on the part of those of us who are well fed, clothed, and housed to imagine that the needy people to whom Jesus refers in Matthew 25 are people we don’t know- the sort of people who are served at homeless shelters and soup kitchens, at which we ought therefore to volunteer at least occasionally. But housework is about feeding and clothing and sheltering people who, in the absence of that daily work, would otherwise be hungry and ill-clad and ill-housed.”
Isn’t that stunning?
Oh, and this too:
“God’s own presence with his people is mediated through dwelling places and domestic activities. In the book of Genesis we read of how the Lord appeared to Abraham as he sat at the door of his tent beside the oaks of Mamre. God’s appearing took the form of a visit from three strangers whom Abraham and Sarah welcomed by preparing and serving a meal of bread and meat and curds, and as they welcomed these strangers they welcomed God himself and became recipients of God’s promise and blessing.”
I love it.
Truly a random thought- did you know I never actually learned to type? Like I never took a class or anything. I just wrote hundreds of papers in high school and college and by the middle of my freshman year in college (I’m fairly sure), my fingers had the muscle memory from all the hunt and peck. I have no idea how fast I type now, but it’s not too shabby. Like I said- random.
We just started watching Modern Family- it’s cute. And we’re catching up on Doctor Who, which is fantabulous. I love that show. Not at all convinced I’m going to love the new Doctor, but I thought that about David Tennant too, and I absolutely adore him.
Ooh, I’m also reading poetry by Kay Ryan, current U.S. poet laureate, and absolutely LOVING it. I’m not huge on poetry- it has to hit the right tone for me- but she’s awesome. Snarky, smart, slightly biting- perfect.
Polish and Balm
Dust develops
from inside
as well as
on top when
objects stop
being used.
No unguent
can soothe
the chap of
Who knew
the polish
and balm in
a person’s
simple passage
among her things.
We knew she
loved them
but not what
love meant.
So lovely.
I bought new sandals. They’re awesome and my toenails are painted red in their honor.
I really want another s’mores cupcake like the one B brought home for me the other day. It was super yummy. And it had toasted marshmallow frosting. That’s just awesome.
I really don’t want to plan out dinners for the next week. Anyone have any great ideas of new (fairly easy) recipes I can try?
I’m running out of random thoughts, so I will tie this up with some cuteness.
All I will say about the contents of that cup is that while it should have kept her awake, it did not. Thank goodness. 🙂
She is not, in fact, re-inacting the Monty Python Silly Walks sketch, although I can see how you’d think that.
Really, I think this is the absolute cutest, to die for picture ever of all time:
Grandpas are just the best. 🙂
Hopefully that was sufficiently entertaining and didn’t bore anyone to death. I think I may be ready to fall asleep. And I want to get my booty out of bed tomorrow morning and do some yoga, so I better get to it.
What’s going on with you? 🙂
How my heart and soul needs a weekend with you on the beach! That would be a true slice of heaven on earth. Maybe in about 20 months after Trav is home we can work that one out! Larry is like his mother…he wants to sleep in his own bed every night. We actually went away three years ago for three nights for our 25th wedding anniversary. We haven’t been away since. Wish I’d have known this when I married him, lol! In all fairness, now he doesn’t get two days in a row off from work so it makes things like this hard unless he’s on vacation. I laughed out loud about your painted toenails. My silly Brianna has already painted Bailee’s toenails! And last but certainly not least, that picture of your dad and Tiny is the most adorable picture! You can just see him pouring allh is love for her into that hug! Have a wonderful day today! Oh, and I hope B finds you another cupcake…SOON!
Your random thoughts make me happy. 🙂
Why am I standing in 4th position in that picture?
That’s a question that really only you can answer.