At this moment
Tiny is sitting at the table eating her blueberry yogurt by dipping a Tuscan Herb cracker into it. Hey, whatever floats your boat. She is wearing a “rella” (translation: dress, so named because Cinderella wears a dress). She has worn a “rella” every day for the last week. If she’d had her way, it would have been the actual Cinderella costume, but that costume is too big and she trips in it constantly unless I bustle it up.
So “rella”s it is. The dress she’s wearing today is a striped polo dress – it makes her look like a little Margot Tenenbaum, minus the eyeliner.
If I had my druthers she’d wear striped polo dresses every day. Both girls would. Alas, there aren’t that many striped polo dresses to be found.
Z has dressed herself in an oversized Cars t-shirt and blue comfy pants. She and Tiny are now playing out on the porch, admiring her flowers.
I admire them too. Except for the dying grass. I don’t admire that. What you can’t see, on the left hand side of the picture, is a gigantic, towering Chinese cabbage plant, overflowing with yellow flowers. It’s really pretty.
I’m still wearing pajamas, but that will change soon. We may have a little friend coming over to play today, so I should get myself and my house whipped into company shape.
Later today I’ll finish up working on a project I’m really enjoying- one that’s just for me. ME! 🙂 I found a bunch of gorgeous 1920s themed papers, and wanted to do something with them, but really I just wanted to LOOK at them. So I’m making a themed spinner.
It’s getting close to finished, but still needs work. It’s got me all inspired though, and combined with paintings like this from the exhibit we saw at the museum yesterday, it has me wanting to pull out my couple years old murder mystery novel manuscript (set in the 1920s) and take another look at it. We’ll have to see about that.
Huh. I thought I had more to say, but apparently I don’t. I’m going to go get ready for my day.
What’s going on with you at this moment?
I’m just about ready to finish up work for the day. I have to be to work by 6:00 a.m. and today am feeling that I need a little 20 minute nap before Breezie’s girls get here. I love playing with them. Wish I could do it all day long, lol!