In which we get away for a weekend (well, a night)
Tomorrow is Bruce and my wedding anniversary (7 years- when did that happen?). In celebration, we decided to go away for a night, something we haven’t done since Z was born. (I know!)
I had the idea and got the babysitter (thanks to my momma), and B figured out where we were going. He chose Santa Cruz, which was PERFECT. I’ve been missing Santa Cruz recently, so it was nice to be able to be there leisurely.
On the way over the hill we discussed the pathetic nature of young leading men these days, and cast hypothetical westerns – both topics spurred by the thought (hypothetical, again) of a remake of Young Guns. (We settled on Adrien Brody, Stuart Townsend, and Brad Pitt as must haves for the hypothetical western, with the stipulation that it not be about the Earps. Not that we mind the Earps, but it’s been done.) We also discussed the brilliance that is Johnny Depp (because, honestly, who comes out of more than 10 years of scraggly- gorgeous scraggly, but scraggly none the less- looking like THIS???), and the fact that stuart Townsend is the PERFECT Lestat, and while Robert Downey Jr. is lovely, and can play suave well, he doesn’t quite have the elegance for that particular role.
We stayed at the castle lookin’ Hilton in Scotts Valley, in a gorgeous suite which contained an amazingly huge jacuzzi bathtub. Bliss.
We had dinner at Cafe Cruz, which was delicious. While there, we saw a veritable parade of hoochily dressed young ladies, which was no end of amusement for us. And can someone please tell me when a tube top became appropriate dress for a hostess at a decently schnazzy eatery? Seriously. Anyway, lovely bacon wrapped steak, artichoke, orange cream soda…… yum.
Then we went back downtown (we’d wandered around a little bit pre-heading out for dinner) and hit Marini’s for super yummy, makes you want to eat so much you want to die ice cream. It was super yummy, and made me eat so much I wanted to die. Vanilla ice cream with caramel and toffee. Gah. After stuffing ourselves, we wandered around Borders, where I picked up My Life in France by Julia Child. I find Julia Child’s story fascinating, and it will be fun to read more about her. I’m not planning on seeing Julie and Julia because I read the book (which I enjoyed), and I don’t see it as terribly necessary to my life to see it acted out. But la Meryl Streep is playing Julia Child in it, and I am tempted to rent it when it comes out, just to see those parts.
Back at the hotel I took a long soaky bath in the aforementioned gigantic bathtub and hit the sack. I actually got to sleep in until 8:30, a super rare occurrence in my life for the last 3 years. So nice.
We hit the Chill Out Cafe (no good link, sorry) for breakfast burritos and hot chocolate, then wandered around Logos where I found The Ghost Stories of Muriel Spark and Exterminate the Brutes
, which will tie nicely into my recent studyings of African history. We stopped by Atlantis to see Joe before heading home, and then went on our way.
We got home to happy kids, and I was able to get to an AMAZING stake Auxiliary meeting with Lowell Snow of the Seventy. It was a breathtaking meeting, I have pages and pages and pages of notes. Truly inspired. We went to Stake Conference today and it was similarly uplifting and inspired. Really such a wonderful experience, and we were able to fully take it in, seeing as the girls were still home with Grandma. 🙂
Now that we’re home again, for good this time, Z’s a little clingy and afraid we’ll be heading out again. It was really nice to get away and have some time to ourselves, and we need to do it more often.
I truly am so grateful for my marriage; there were a number of opportunities in my life for things to go other ways, and I’m so thankful I ended up with the right person. My life would not be the same, my joy not as great. My kids not as cute. (Who said that?) Happy Anniversary, B, I love you.
Congratulations to you and Bruce, darling. I’m glad you married him too 🙂 ’cause seriously, your kids are adorable!
As to sad lookin’ leading men, I’m a fan of some of the guys on True Blood, like Eric:
and the kid who plays Godric:×300.jpg
Oh shoot, and how could I forget Jason?!
And let’s not neglect the handsomest men on TV, the cast of Mad Men 🙂
Yummy…thanks for letting me play, babe!
I’m so glad you had fun! And yay! for stake conference. Ours was this weekend too, and also seriously awesome. 🙂 Love you!
This sounds like a great time away! Did you know that Larry and I didn’t even get to take our honeymoon until we’d been married 25 years! We celebrated our 25th anniversary with three days in Salt Lake! Not a big trip but it was so nice to get away…..finally. I had the flu on our wedding day (it hit with a vengence that night) and so we cancelled our plans. Who wants to pay to be sick in a hotel or be in a car traveling when they’re that sick? It makes us laugh now when we think about it but it wasn’t very fun then.
Update on Nicholas: In the insane thinking of insurance companies, Nicholas’ insurance has decided that he had this heart defect from birth that it’s preexisting and they’re refusing to cover it. He’s already over $10,000.00 in debt from the initial ER visit and studies and the procedure next week will be another $30,000.00. Obviously if he can’t quickly get this resolved he won’t be able to have the procedure done since it’s “preexisting.” Insanity. Please keep him in your prayers as he’s not out of the woods yet, or until this procedure can be done and it goes well. If can be termed preexisting then anything any of us have happen could be preexisting, i.e., didn’t we always have those cells that turned cancerous, etc.? Their reasoning is incomprehensible to me. Me
P.S. His heart condition was undiagnosed until that ER visit. Please ignore the typos in my comment, I’m supposed to be working and snuck it in, hee, hee!