Day of a million posts

I guess that’s the up side to having a sick kid? More time to post? At the moment she’s having a little surge of energy and is playing in her room while Audrey hangs out/plays/gets used to her crib. Audrey is so delighted by Zoe, it’s so cute.

So, the reason for this post- I just thought I’d post a picture of my new little scripture study journal and state publicly (so I’m more accountable and all) my intention to actually study the scriptures each day vs. just reading them. So now that that’s stated, here’s the little book:


It’s a little 4 by 6er, which, in retrospect is a little small. But, whatever.

And just for good measure, some pictures of the playing:

And Audrey getting into crawling position:
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4 thoughts on “Day of a million posts

  1. For the record, your kids are fricken’ adorable.

    I think the scripture study journal is a cool idea. I went to a church in Hanford a few times, and picked up this Life Journal idea:

    It’s really kept me on track.

    Love you!

  2. Maryanne on

    Brandy, it was actually your mentioning your journal that gave me the idea. So go you! 🙂 Love you too!

  3. Oh, that’s cool…I had no idea I had mentioned it before 🙂 Well shoot, then…yay me indeed!

    Your’s is super cool…

  4. Cindy on

    Look at how adorable Audrey is! She’s growing so fast. Can I just say that you inspire me?! I’m lucky to get them read and don’t really take the time to study them like I should. I like the idea of the journal to go with it and you’re making them all so cute!!

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