This is pretty dismal, or, all the books I’m not reading
I just looked at my book list for the year, and goodness it’s dismal. It’s April, and I’ve only finished 9 books. In previous years I would have been up to at least 32 by now. I feel like I must have read more than 8, but that’s because I’ve been slowly reading 4ish books for what feels like years.
I just finished The Clutter Diet by Lorie Marrero, which was a good primer on getting your home organized. It gave me a bunch of ideas, some of which have been implemented, some which have yet to be implemented. A lot of what she says is common sense, but it’s still good to hear.
I also read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, and while I didn’t agree with everything he said, I did get some important things, like putting kids down to bed earlier so they’ll sleep longer. It seems counter-intuitive, but once they get overtired they don’t sleep well. And it’s proved to be true.
The other books I’m reading and may never finish are:
Playful Parenting by Lawrence J. Cohen, which is a very insightful book and I’m enjoying it, I just never seem to have time to read it. What I have read gave me the tools to help Z work through her paralyzing fear of car washes (don’t ask, it was traumatic for everyone involved), so I’m grateful for that.
The Confessions of Arsene Lupin by Maurice LeBlanc, which I love. Lupin is one of those awesome characters that I just love- a brilliant thief who is also a brilliant detective and who solves unsolveable crimes. This is a collection of short stories about Lupin, which is nice because I have short spurts of time in which to read them. 🙂
It seems like there’s some thing else I’m reading too, but I can’t remember what it is.
Current total: 9 🙁