

Books 1/12/06


I finished The Best American NonRequired Reading 2005. I don’t read a lot of short story anthologies- actually that’s a lie. It would be more correct to say that I don’t read many non-themed anthologies. Therefore, when I read one Read more ›


Books 1/9/06


The first book of the new year has been finished and declared good. Yarn Harlot by Stephanie Pearl McPhee is a series of essays about knitting. I know, it doesn’t sound fascinating, but McPhee is no ordinary knitter. She’s a Read more ›


Woo hoo!


Two major accomplishments today. The first should have been traumatic but somehow wasn’t- I purged my bookcases. I freely admit that I am a compulsive book hoarder, something I partially learned from my mother. She has always been of the Read more ›

Year End Roundup


I have discovered that while I can read, I certainly can’t count. I was in a panic over the last two days of the year because my reading total was at 98 books, and being that close and missing the Read more ›
