As of 11:35 pm my 50,000 word novel titled Cover Songs is finished! I uploaded my text file for verification, and was officially pronounced a winner, and I don’t think I’ve been so excited about something in quite some time.… Read more ›
Just a little update for those of you keeping track, (and by the way, thanks to those of you who are keeping track!)- I’m at 39,186 words and officially 2 days ahead of where I wanted to be at this… Read more ›
25,0015 words down, 24,985 to go. What makes me even more pleased is the fact that what seemed to be a hinderance- that they wouldn’t leave on the stupid road trip- seems to be working out in a structural way.… Read more ›
I finished A Moveable Feast, and am still in awe of Mr. Hemingway. He says so much with so little, and I envy that. His descriptions of the Fitzgeralds are so sad, as are his little mentions of the divide… Read more ›
I’m officially past 20,000 words. Yeeha! The silly folks still haven’t left for their roadtrip, which is one of the main plot points, but hey, what can you do. There are pieces of it I really like and pieces I’m… Read more ›
I’m officially past the 10,000 word mark on my novel! Woo hoo! This is the longest thing I’ve ever written, except for my senior thesis which isn’t quite the same. It still doesn’t have a title, and I’m not really… Read more ›
I don’t know if anyone has previously coined this term, but I have this condition with a vengeance right now. I currently have a stack of 7 books all waiting to be read, and I want to read them, but… Read more ›
Was just wandering around the magical internet looking at other people’s blogs when I had a thought- how many of them are completely and utterly fictional? I mean, I know people use blogs for all different reasons, some as journals,… Read more ›