
Just a little update for those of you keeping track, (and by the way, thanks to those of you who are keeping track!)- I’m at 39,186 words and officially 2 days ahead of where I wanted to be at this point. Hurrah!

The story moves along, the climactic moment is already written and just waiting for the other words to catch up and fill in around it. Hopefully they will. It’s an interesting experience writing something this long- I keep losing my sense of time within the story- I have to remind myself that things I wrote 2 weeks ago only happened four days ago in the story and 40 pages ago for the reader, so maybe talking about them again will be beating them over the head, I’m not sure. It will be odd to read it all in one go.

Anyway, only 10,814 words left, how crazy is that?

I’m still reading the Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf letters, it’s slow going when most of my reading time has turned into writing time. They’re still very enjoyable, it’s like eavesdropping on two extremely eloquent and intelligent people.

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