Not about Baby Godzillas 🙂 If you have a Kindle, or more probably an iPhone with the Kindle app, there are free books available on Amazon. And no, this isn’t an April Fools trick. A bunch of them are romance… Read more ›
Burnout Paradise Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Enjoy.
what it’s like to be the mother of a 2 1/2 year old: Right now Zoe is laying on the floor crying because the child on the diaper box is wearing her diaper, and she wants it. She wants it… Read more ›
Go check out Zoe awesomely singing Christmas carols on her blog: And speaking of using one’s talents, go check out Audrey’s statement to the world at her blog: (And just for the record, I totally discovered the song… Read more ›
Things making me happy today: My vacuum cleaner. It has a DUSTING attachment. A DUSTING ATTACHMENT! My baseboards have never been so clean. And yes, I’m one of those people who cares about baseboards. Not anyone else’s baseboards, just my… Read more ›
Please take a minute today to pray for this little girl. I don’t know her or her family other than through her mom’s blog- and honestly I don’t remember how I even came across it about a year or so… Read more ›
Have you ever taken an online quiz where the results totally puzzled you, but you can’t really find a way to say so without sounding falsely modest or like you’re fishing for compliments? Behold. Your result for The Classic Dames… Read more ›
One of my best friends, along with Zoe’s best friend, is moving away today. We’re telling Z that they’re going on a trip. I wish it was true. 🙁