My 2014 Readolutions

Happy New Year! The changing of the year has already come and gone for us last night, when the whole family managed to stay up until midnight so that we could go to the temple to ring in the new year as is the tradition here, and then we all decided at the last minute not to go, and instead counted down and yelled “Rabbit!” from the warmth of our house. (If the first thing you say at the New Year is rabbit, you get good luck. It’s true!)



A temari ball, traditionally made by grandmothers for their grandkids.


I love the new year, and the arbitrary line in the sand it draws for making goals and plans and changes. After taking a break last year, I’m compiling my uberlist for this year- 114 things to do in 2014. I still have 10 slots empty, so let me know if you have an idea. But you don’t really want to know about the random things on my list, so I thought I’d share my readolutions instead.

This year, I want to shop my shelves- reading unread books that I already own rather than buying new books.

I want to spend more time reading books than random things on the internet.

I want to read 1Q84 by Hakuri Murakami.

I want to read 5 Shakespeare plays I haven’t read before. (Probably Merry Wives of Windsor, Love’s Labour Lost, Winter’s Tale, Titus Andronicus, and Coriolanus.)

I want to keep better track of the books that I read aloud to the girls. 

What are your readolutions? You know you want to have one, or five. They’re so much more fun than resolutions.



3 thoughts on “My 2014 Readolutions

  1. Brandy on

    Hmmm…readolutions? I want to read the books people recommend to me, instead of saying “Oh I’ll put that on my list” and then never reading it 🙂

    Fun idea Maryanne! Good luck with the uberlist!

  2. Cousin Kim on

    If that last Shakespeare play is the recently found play then I’m going to see it preformed at the end of the month.

    Good luck on your goals.

  3. Cousin Kim on

    Found out the title of the Shakespeare play I am going to see, it is Cardenio.

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