What’s been going around here
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Things have been busy! Earlier this week was the culmination of lots of work- I finished a first draft of a 50,000 word novel for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, wherein crazy people attempt to write 50,000 word novels in a month), and held a craft fair (with some of my friends) that I had been crafting like crazy for in the preceding weeks. Then there’s school and there was Halloween, so much goodness! Would you like to see?
Halloween goodness. Rapunzel and Belle (or, more accurately, Cinderella in a yellow dress)
Z pretending to fly a real Boeing 747 at the Hiller Aviation Museum.
A dirigible (squee!!!!) at the Hiller Aviation Museum. I LOVE dirigibles!
We “mummified” an apple with salt and baking soda. That was fun.
Things I made for the craft sale (or for friends, or for my kids or nephews. Pretty much just stuff I made):
For my darling Ana and her miracle baby boy.
Felt wreath. I love how this turned out!
Little foxes. I have about 6 more of these to make now- 3 for a friend’s kids, 2 for my own kids, and 1 for me!
Mini peeps! Love them! (That was both a command and an expression of my feeling toward them.)
Have I posted this before? I feel like I may have. It’s a quilt I made for Tiny, with my virtual quilting bee friends. I sent out the fabric, they sent back sewn squares, and I sewed it all together.
More dollies for the craft sale.
Throwing stars for the craft sale. Filled with rice, you throw them and the ribbons trail behind.
Harry Potter pillows for my nephews’ Harry Potter room. My sister redid their room for their birthday, and these were on their beds. (The room is insanely awesome.)
Also for their room- their own Gryffindor scarves.
What the trees look like around here. So pretty!
New bird ornaments for my Christmas tree.
The girls met Santa!
Tiny is tough. In case you were wondering. 🙂
There are also a number of projects that I can’t post yet because they’re for Christmas presents, but I’ll post them after Christmas, because I’m happy with how they turned out. I’ve been keeping track of everything I’ve made this year, and I’m currently at 121 things made. That’s kind of crazy. 🙂
Anyway, I should maybe possibly be posting more, now that the craziness of last month is over. We’ll see. But I’ve missed you!
Missed you too! Oh my, 121 things?!!! You’re awesome and these things are so cute. I’d love to see the boys room someday but alas, I never leave this valley anymore. I really need to spread my wings and fly don’t I?!
I love all of these photos. I love a commands that are simultaneously expressions of emotions. I really want to read your novel, lady!!!
These beautiful girls! It’s so fun to watch them grow!!!