Of Good Report, Monday edition
Things making me happy this Monday morning:
It’s a lovely cloudy morning. It rained last night, and maybe it will rain today. We don’t really have anything planned for the day, no running around that has to happen. That’s a nice feeling.
I love finding unexpected books at the library. Since I’m usually there with the kiddos, one of whom reaaaaaaaaally wants to get over to the kids section, my usual plan of attack is to hit the New Release shelves, skimming the titles and grabbing whatever looks interesting. This week I scored HUGE. I grabbed Pandora in the Congo by Albert Sanchez Pinol, which I binged through in a day (I’ll write more about it in it’s own post) and The Manual of Detection
by Jedediah Berry, which I knew I had to get when I saw the cover:
Doesn’t that just scream out that it must be read? I didn’t read the inside cover or anything, just brought it home. I started it last night and am already half way through- it’s awesome and lovely and strange. Again, I’ll post about it in full in another post.
Bruce got me a TON of Nero Wolfe books for my haunted Kindle. Things that make me happy about this:
1) B is always so incredible and sweet about getting me things I want. I mentioned I wanted to read the Nero Wolfe books and seriously, a couple hours later I had about 40 of them. That makes me feel very loved.
2) I have a TON of Nero Wolfe books! I’m about to go on a wild binge I might never recover from.
3) YAY Haunted Kindle!
And speaking of the Kindle and happy-making, I found a book on the haunted Kindle that I’d forgotten I bought- woo hoo! Eat Smart: The Zen Anti-Diet . Doesn’t it sound fascinating? Maybe I’ll have to read it before the Wolfe binge, or I’ll forget about it again. 🙂 But seeing as I quite literally have over 100 books on the haunted Kindle, I think I can be forgiven for that.
Zoe is starting to write letters. She’s best with the straight line letters: T, F, E, I, and the circle letters: O, Q; but she’s starting to try the line with a circle letters – R, D, B. They’re a little rough, but she’s working hard on them. It’s so cool to see her brain chugging along.
I’ve been working out for 4 weeks now, and I’m feeling really good! (I haven’t been doing Jillian the whole time, I’ve only been doing her program for 2 weeks. ) I’ve lost some pounds and some inches, but more importantly, it’s changing the way I look at my body, seeing its strength over its flaws. And that’s pretty cool.
I just looked down and saw the bag of fabric I have for two baby blankets I need to get made, maybe I’ll do some sewing today. That would be fun.
That’s it for now, what’s making you happy today?
My day is happy bz it’s my day off and I get to play with Savannah all day! I do have to finish the binding on Wanda’s Christmas present that finally came back from the quilters and I hope to do that after Savannah goes home! It’s a beautiful sunny day but not too hot and I actually got the lawn watered this morning! Lots to make me happy today. FYI: Nicholas hasn’t had any more improvement in vision but we’re still hopeful that slowly over time it will come back.
I’m having a really hard day (bad doctor appointment), and reading your blog really cheered me up. So your blog is making me happy today 🙂
Oh, the “haunted Kindle” has made me happy too!