Of good report
Things that are making me happy today:
Zoe apparently inherited my grandfather’s green thumb (or someone on B’s side, who knows), which is lucky, because I can’t make anything grow. But we bought 3 little “growing kits” from Target for a dollar each, and planted some seeds (with very little faith on my part that they would grow), and lo and behold, three days later:
Little sprouties! She’s growing marigolds and zinnias. And sunflowers in that third pot, but they haven’t started doing anything yet. She’s also watering the plant that Karen gave me 3 Mother’s Days ago (how it is still alive, I will never know, she picked out the heartiest plant alive!) and it’s leaves are returning to their glorious green. Those pictures are actually of her singing to her plants; I told her that some plants grow better if you sing to them, so she has embraced that concept to the full, and sings them songs from Little Einsteins. The song she was singing the day I snapped those pictures was “Open up, we want to come in, open open open open open open up” to the tune of Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor by Johannes Brahms.
Also, it has warmed up, and it’s warm enough to:
Zoe started swimming lessons and it didn’t take long at all for her to remember how much she LOVES to swim. She’s doing really really well.
My young women did an awesome little puppet show the other night to illustrate the story of the Tree of Life from 1st Nephi- it was super cute and thinking about it makes me laugh. The best part was when everyone partook of the fruit and “Lehi” said, “Aren’t you all, like, totally joyous?”. It was marvelous.
There are more, but Liz is almost here- we’re putting together the Mother’s Day gifts for the women in her ward. (Seriously, what ward puts the Activities Committee in charge of that? Especially one that only has 1 person in it?) But the little gifts will be cute, I’ll post a picture once we make them.
What are you giving your mommy?
That puppet show is boss 🙂 I sent my Mama pictures of Mark from his year in Wales; she is stoked!
I love that you didn’t have faith the seeds would grow (sounds like an object lesson) but that they did!!! I remember feeling the same way when I planted a garden last year. I think I was tickled pink all season long that I actually got to eat the things that I grew from seeds. A true miracle.
Your sweet Zoe singing to the plants is priceless!
BTW, I grew up near San Jose, in Sunnyvale. I miss good old California! I’ve been in NY for nine years now and west is best!