Musical goodness
Very often while in the car we listen to the kids station on Sirrius. The other day we encountered a new song that is adorable and surprisingly pensive and lovely. It’s my new favorite kids song, and perhaps even my new favorite song all together.It’s called It Only Takes One Night to Make a Balloon Your Friend by Lunch Money. Check it out. I guarantee it will make you smile.
Zoe’s current favorite song is the polar opposite of pensive and lovely, but will also make you smile- it’s called Banana by Doctor Noize, and I’m not listening to it at the moment, but I’m fairly confident that the complete lyrics are: Banana. (If you click on that link the option to listen to the song is on the left side of the screen. #8.)
I’m super excited to see that the Pet Shop Boys have a new album coming out, and it sounds awesome. I can say that because if you follow that link you can listen to the album, so go do it!
That’s really all I have to say.
What are you listening to?
That’s so weird. They had a segment on NPR about Lunch Money. It sounded interesting.
Haven’t seen a new post in awhile. I’m sure with spring weather you’re out having a ball in the sun! I just posted some current pictures of Larry and thought you might want to see them. Hope everything is going well out there! Me