Jesus the Christ Chapter 27
Is it just me or are the chapters getting longer?
Some thoughts as I read:
I really like the Parable of the Great Supper- how often do we turn away from agreements we have made to the Lord to be where He has asked us to be because we have “more important” things to do? We’re so easily distracted, we people. And that ties into the section on “counting the cost”- we have to be prepared to run the course the Lord has set for us, and not quit when it gets hard.
Great point that Jesus never condoned the actions of the publicans and sinners, but rather, “His attitude toward these spiritually sick folk was that of a devoted physician”. I think this is where the misconception comes in that Christ was tolerant of everyone, so we should be too- He wasn’t tolerant of sin at all. He absolutely called it out when He saw it. But He also saw past the sin to the child of God who He loved, and tried to help. That’s what we should try to emulate.
OK- serious question. Do you think that Jesus was actually sarcastic? Because there are a number of things that He says that could be read that way, Talmage even points that out. So is “just sarcasm” a divine way of speaking? Or is it more a matter of benevolent sarcasm- of pointing out the irony?
Interesting insights into the Parable of the Lost Coin- I’d not heard that interpretation before.
Concerning the prodigal son- this is just lovely: “It is noteworthy that in his contrite confession he did not ask to be accepted as a hired servant as he had resolved to do; his father’s joy was too sacred to be thus marred, he would please his father best by placing himself unreservedly at that father’s disposal.”
Huh. I have apparently never understood the Parable of the Unjust Steward properly before. No wonder it’s never made sense to me.
I think I am sometimes guilty of praying “with myself” rather than to God, I need to think about this.
I love that Jesus’ answers to what the Pharisees see as complex questions to trick Him
are so simple and straightforward that the Pharisees just kind of go, “Oh. Umm, I have to go now.”
“The world’s greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.” Hear hear.
Oh, I love love love the story of the poor rich young man who goes to Christ. How many of us would rather have “one special observance by which excellence could be achieved” rather than have pointed out to us the “one thing thou lackest” and do the hard work of gaining that? I think I need to start working up the courage to ask for that.
And, if possible, I love even more the Parable of the Laborers. I think far too often, people who are born and raised in the Church, whether consciously or subconsciously, think they have something over and above those who are converted to the gospel later in their lives; that those who served missions or earned their YW medallion, or any number of other things are more worthy of blessings than those who came into the church too late to. And well, that’s just wrong. I fully believe that the Lord will make up those opportunities for growth. Now, those who choose not to take those opportunities when they’re presented, who choose not to work toward spiritual progression- I don’t know that those chances can be made up. But the Lord will pay His faithful servants.
What jumped out to you?
I’m impressed at how well your reading is going! How’s the quilt coming? Hope everyone is doing well. I heard your mom has been spending a lot of time putting together a jungle gym for Liz’s family that Santa brought! Lots of work. How are the kids? Keep in touch.
Yes, longer 🙂 Very very (very) long…
I read where Talmage says he hears sarcasm, but I don’t at all. I’m sure that he was never mean spirited, which seems to me to be what sarcasm is. Your thoughts?
I liked the Woman with the Coin as being a representation of the Church, or any of us, I’d say, as we are all responsible for each other. We’re all our brothers keepers.
I LOVE the idea in the Prodigal Son, that at one point he “comes to himself”. I’ve had that moment, and I’m sure we all have, where we have that “hey, this isn’t my beautiful life” moment. I love that when he had that moment he acted. I need to act more.
I also really appreciated the story of Lazarus #1 and the Rich Man. I found it very profound that having had Moses and the Prophets, Abraham doesn’t think that the Rich Man’s family will respond to what we think of as “flashier” miracles/signs. It’s not about the bling, but about the meaning and the spirit. I need to ponder that idea more. I’ve often, especially in a Waylon context, wondered bitterly why no angels show up when I need them. I can see here, though, that maybe the still small voice would/will have a bigger effect…
This may be the longest comment ever…
The 10 lepers reminded me of the A Christmas Carol quote about thinking of one another as fellow travelers to the grave 🙂
Oh, and the publican! I adore that man, ’cause he gives me hope that I too am justified:
“And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote up his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified…”
And finally, what do I lack?