Jesus the Christ Chapter 13

*For anyone just joining us, this post is in conjunction with the Jesus Book Club (so named by Brandy)- a casual group reading books about Christ. Feel free to jump in and read with us, or just comment on the discussion. *

Some great things to think about:

I LOVE that Christ at the well forgot His thirst in His desire to teach. I think there’s something to be learned from that- He didn’t say, “Give me some water and then I’ll impart a great truth to you”, He inconvenienced Himself to take advantage of a great opportunity to serve. Do I do that? I don’t think I do it often enough.

It’s compelling that the woman at the well, once Christ had made His identity clear to her, “must regard Him thereafter as either an impostor or the Messiah.” There was no other choice, and there really is no other choice for us.

I say this somewhat facetiously, but somewhat not- don’t you find it surprising that Christ never just lost it and said “Sheesh people, stop thinking so literally! No, I don’t have secret food hidden somewhere, I’m talking about spiritual nourishment! C’mon, have you never heard of a metaphor? I use them all the time, get with it!”
Um, anyway…

I love the insight given from the story of the man of Capurnaum whose son was dying. He finally got the answer from Christ that He would be healed, and then He leisurely went home instead of rushing there. He had enough trust that Christ could do what He had said, and not just that He could do it, but that He would do it. I need to ponder on which of Christ’s promises I truly deep believe, and which I need to work on taking at His word; and think about what that trust looks like.

Interesting, interesting stuff about demoniacal possession. I thought this was really thought provoking:
“their remembrance of the scenes that had culminated in their expulsion from heaven was quickened by the presence of the Christ, though He stood in a body of flesh.” How well do those spirits remember the pre-existence on a regular basis? Has it largely faded over time (mercifully, probably) and are they just continuing behavior because it’s just what they do now? Are they still mad, vengeful? Or just desperate for a physical experience? And were there more instances of demoniacal possession at the time of Christ in response to His being alive and ministering on the Earth?

What were your thoughts on reading the chapter? Jess, are you caught up to us? Anyone else jumping in?
The whole topic, however, is thought provoking t

8 thoughts on “Jesus the Christ Chapter 13

  1. i hadn’t noticed that jesus doesn’t drink, but teaches instead. it’s interesting to contrast that with elijah (i think…) when he goes to the starving widow and her son and tells her to feed him, and when she says that she doesn’t even have enough for her son’s last meal, he tells her to feed him first. of course, when she does, she is able to feed herself and her son until the end of the famine. i think that the key is being spiritual sensitive, sensitive to the spirit. sure elijah (if it was him…) was hungry, as christ was thirsty, but they were both looking for the faith building and teaching moment. i need to do that better.

    pope and i have been talking a lot recently about the atonement’s peace of heart and mind powers, not just the peace of conscience powers. it’s hard for me to feel that peace, as a separate thing from forgiveness of my sins. anyway (this is a different conversation), i noticed when christ read the scripture from isaiah to the people in nazareth, part of it reads “he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted”. that’s nice…

    thanks again for leading this group, maryanne, even if it is mostly just the two of us 🙂 i love reading with you…

  2. Maryanne on

    Good point about Elijah (I’m pretty sure it was him). It all comes down to what will offer the teaching moment. I was thinking too that we have to balance out the “lose yourself and you will find yourself” and the “fill your own bucket so you can give to others” aspects of life.

    In regards to peace, when I read what you wrote I thought of this: It’s such a touching post; how often do we find ourselves crying into someone’s shoulder that we need peace?

    I love you Brandy, thanks so much for reading with me, I’m getting so much more out of it than I think I would have.

  3. Nope. I think I’m just going to have to be satisfied with being behind. I have been trying to find time to read chapter 11 all day. It’s infuriating that every time I settle down to read one of these stinking kids, I mean wonderful little blessings, needs something of great import. I read about 5 chapters on Sunday morning. It was awesome. I really felt like that was the most prepared for church I have been in years. I didn’t even care that we were 15 minutes late!
    I have really been enjoying these chapters. I don’t know what it is. Is it that I’m more used to Talmadge’s writing style or is it that I feel like I can relate more to his earthly existence than his premortal. I’m not sure, but either way, I feel like my testimony of Christ is really growing.
    Thanks for heading up this group, MaryAnne. I know I’m not contributing to the discussions at all but I do greatly appreciate the chance to read this book.

  4. Seriously?!? I misspelled his name? The book is sitting right next to me and I don’t even think to look until after I hit submit.
    Hopefully this book will make me smarter… 🙂

  5. Maryanne on

    I feel the same way, Jess. I like all the history and all of that, but I really connect with His earthly ministry more.

    And don’t feel bad about misspelling his name, I put a d in every time. The only reason I catch it is because I do it every single time, so it’s just habit to change it now. 🙂

  6. thanks for the link, maryanne; i need to be better about personal prayer that is deeper than “thanks for this food” or “please talk to me through this scripture”

  7. I wanted to add a thought that I had. I find it so funny that all these people take Christ’s analogies as literal. Supposedly he taught using parables because that was easier to understand – or at least that is what I was always taught. I love that these people are not understanding the parables and so he has to expound on his thought. I don’t know why I think that is funny. It just is.

  8. Maryanne on

    I’ve heard that he taught using parables so that those who were supposed to get it would get it, and those who weren’t ready wouldn’t be held accountable for the knowledge. But yes, I totally agree, it strikes me as funny that he’s telling these stories and people are all just standing there saying “what?”.

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