At this moment: Christmas Eve edition
Zoe just apologized to the baby Jesus from the Little People nativity set. “I sorry baby Jesus. I sorry that happen”. I have no idea what happened, but it’s nice she apologized.
Chocolate chip cookies for Santa are baking.
Audrey is cooing in her bouncy chair.
Now Zoe is walking around offering us hot cocoa from a watering can. This is perhaps a comment on the amount of hot chocolate her momma drinks, but I don’t think so.
She is also showing off her new Tinkerbell doll, which is the second present she got to open today, after the first one she opened, a princess vacuum cleaner, failed to work. Stupid mail order Disney.
The stockings I just finished making are hanging in front of the TV console, held up by Little People nativity pieces. (They are not being held up by midgets, as my previous phrasing made it sound.)
The King’s Singers are singing on my television. They’re not living up to the hype.
What’s happening at your house at this moment?
no way! The same thing is happening at my house!