In which we discover if free is worth it

A while ago I got snagged by one of Borders’ “Buy 2 get 1 free” dealies. I found 2 books that I was really interested in, and scanned the tables for a third, which I would be getting for free. I came across Shibumi by Trevanian, and when I read the back cover, one thing was clear. This book was either going to be a magnificently fun find, on par with Modesty Blaise and The Vesuvius Club, or it was going to be just as magnificently awful. Take a look, and place your bets.

“Nicholai Hel is the world

2 thoughts on “In which we discover if free is worth it

  1. Eliza Turner on

    I just now found your blog and read through it. I never knew you were such a reader! I love Anne of Green Gables as a girl and read the entire 8 book series twice. I fell in love with Gilbert and went on every adventure with Anne. I should read it again now to see the story from Marilla’s perspective. I would definitely recommend the Little House series, they were wonderful!

  2. Becky on

    Sorry you got such a bad book. What will you read next? I am hoping my kids will get chicken pox in the next week so I can catch up on some reading…
    Oh I just remembered the Harry potter book came out and I bet that is what you are reading right now!

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