At this moment
2It is 12:09 pm. The sun is shining, but it was pouring about half an hour ago. Now it’s still windy but the sun is out. Â It is currently 84 degrees with 74% humidity. Â We’re hoping it starts raining again.… Read more ›
It is 12:09 pm. The sun is shining, but it was pouring about half an hour ago. Now it’s still windy but the sun is out. Â It is currently 84 degrees with 74% humidity. Â We’re hoping it starts raining again.… Read more ›
If you know anything about me, you know that I looooooove fabric. I have a bit of an obsession. The last couple of times we’ve been here, I didn’t venture much into fabric stores, because I knew we’d just have… Read more ›
A friend asked for a list of books that I’ve read with the girls, and I thought it might be useful to someone else too. So I’m posting it here. I tend to go for unabridged versions rather than abridged,… Read more ›
When I was 8 (? I’m not sure, but 8 seems about right) I got the chicken pox. I got it at a Girl Scout campout when a younger brother of one of the girls who was also there (whole… Read more ›
It’s not quite the end of the month yet, but I’m doubtful that I’ll finish Farewell To Arms tomorrow (I have sewing projects getting in its way), so I’ll post what I’ve already read this month. The Equivoque Principle ,… Read more ›
It is 8:18 am. It’s 79 degrees out, and while Yahoo tells me that it feels like 81, I don’t agree at the moment. It’s very pleasant, and I can drink my Bengal Spice tea without wanting to die. (Bengal… Read more ›
it just goes on and on, my friends. We just got back from 4 days in Shimoda, which is a beach town about 2 hours South of Tokyo by train. It was absolutely gorgeous and inspiring. I just finished Lost… Read more ›
At this moment, it is 3:26 pm. Â It is 93 degrees out, but it apparently feels like 108. It is HOT. Humidity is 63%. So we have closed ourselves in our living room with the air conditioner on. We just… Read more ›
It is 4:30 pm. It’s 90 degrees out, but Yahoo tells me that it feels like 102 and I’m not disputing that. It is HOT. Humidity is only (only!) 66%, so it’s not gross, just hot. I am listening to… Read more ›
I stole this little meme from another blog. Outside my window: It is blue skies and gorgeous fluffy clouds. The roof on the house across from us is such a gorgeous mix of blue and purple, and ripples like fish… Read more ›