Of good report
I’m in somewhat of a icky mood -I have a weird post nasal drip throat hurting thing happening and my children WILL. NOT. STOP. WHINING!
So I decided to post an “Of good report” post to get my mind back on the positive. So here we go.

Tiny loves to hide in this space and read. For a long time. Seriously.

A car Zoe made out of a box and 5 plastic plates.

A picture Zoe took. I love the composition. It seems symbolic, somehow.

Zoe's first journal. She and I made it yesterday. Each day she'll draw a picture and then dictate.

Z's split lip is finally healed. I don't think I posted a picture before. If I didn't- this is what happens when a face meets the edge of a piano.
I finished both Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith and Suffering is Optional by Cheri Huber. Both were fantastic. Both very eye opening. Now I’m back to My Life in France by Julia Child, which is similarly eye opening. A running theme through all of them is the pursuit of joy, which is of little surprise, seeing as my Personal Progress goal for two weeks is trying to have more joy.
I have such wonderful friends. The comments to my last post made me so happy. I love the support great women can give to each other.
The girls are up from their naps, so I’m going to go try to have a more positive outlook in our time before B gets home.
What’s making you happy today?
Oh, one last thing – if any of you have excellent inspirational blogs that you frequent (like I linked to in my last post), would you put a link in the comments? Thanks!
Let’s see…I got to do some nit picky paperwork at work today for someone else, which was very fun 🙂 It was like a puzzle, and I don’t have to do it every day, so I had a good time, and it felt nice to help my officer, ’cause he was super busy. It really is nice to help someone 🙂
And I blogged recently about my doctor recommending Wayne Dyer books, and I’ve been reading his daily affirmations:
I love you to pieces Maryanne 🙂
Aww, would you look at those sweethearts?! It’s no wonder she loves books where you read so much. I love the car too, how cute is that! You’re such a wonderfully creative mom. I mean it! I hope you get feeling better soon. The blogs I visit aren’t so much inspirational except for the sewing ones that I use to inspire my creativity on my sewing blog. If I think of an inspiring one I’ll come back and add the link on here. Me