At this moment
in my house:
Zoe is laying on the couch under the blanket her grandma made for her sister, watching Word World and hopefully learning how to spell the words kite, wings, ant, and stage; and how to not give up. She is also slowly but surely getting aggravated because
Audrey is laying on the floor babbling and yelling rather loudly. She is surrounded by her toys which she keeps rolling around to reach so that she can grab and munch on them.
Eggos are toasting in the toaster for me and Zoe.
B is getting ready for work.
I just discovered that Neptune by Tula Pink, the fabric collection with which I want to make a massive quilt for my bed, is out! Now I just have to come up with a pattern. I’m thinking very large blocks of
, and maybe
, bordered with
. This will probably show up in there too:
Seeing as I have another blanket that’s still not done, who knows when I will get to this one, but maybe if I make it simple enough I’ll get it finished.
I need to figure out what I’m doing with my day, keeping these thoughts in mind. Also keeping in mind that my house is a mess and and I need to be utterly ruthless about clutter. (Those small things add up in more ways than one!)
And now I’m hearing a revisionist history of what just happened on Word World. “Mama, shark did take ducks hat! He did take it away!” “Did he take it, or did Duck throw it and it landed on shark?” “Uh, duck did throw it.” That and apparently everything on her body is “killing me”. An owie on her leg, on her toe, on her hand… something tells me my computer time is up.
What’s going on at your house at this moment?
You and Jill have taste the same in fabrics. She would love these fabrics. I did her wedding quilt big enough that she can use it as a bedspread if she wants or a comforter. We’ll see. Maybe she’ll just drape it over the bed. I’ll be posting it soon as she has seen it to this point but won’t post the final quilt until she has her shower. I know you won’t be able to come to the wedding but oh, how I wish you could! Thank heavens for blogging bz I really feel like I know you now better than I ever could on a trip here for a few days. I love the Zoe and Audrey stories too! Auntie Me!
Hrm…wonder where she got the “…is killing me” from? 😉
Your title made me think of “3 Days” by Janes Addiction. It starts with those words.
hmmm…at my house the kitties are sleeping (mu on the foot of my bed and maus on the window ledge), i’m blogging, and lentil soup is simmering. things are pretty gravy…
June 27th. It’s a Saturday. We’ll talk on Sunday and see if I survived! LOL!