Every year around this time I get behind on writing about the books I’m reading to the point that I just want to throw in the towel rather than catch up. So these are the books that I’ve read… Read more ›
Hi there. I just went browsing through some of the blogs that I frequent, and none of them had new posts. And that made me kind of sad. And then I thought, maybe someone went past my blog and was… Read more ›
Here are the books I’ve been reading. Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Centuryby Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger was a great read. The ups and downs of the Taylor/Burton relationship are all laid out, and there’s lots… Read more ›
Somehow I forgot that I was supposed to be posting every week. So I shall catch up now for the month of September. Meeting the Dog Girls: Storiesby Gay Terry is a collection of odd, well written stories. All of… Read more ›
Yesterday was a holiday in Japan, and so Bruce had the day off. He planned an amazing trip to Kamakura, where we were able to see 5Â different shrines/temples. We took a train down to Ofuna, where we got on a… Read more ›
Yesterday we took my parents to the Tokyo Tower and to Zojo-ji, a Buddhist temple complex nearby. I love this area. This is the Unborn Children Garden, where parents can make offerings to Jizo, the guardian of unborn children (miscarried, stillborn,… Read more ›
The other day we went to the Special Exhibit at the Natural History Museum in Ueno. Here’s what we saw. And then Tiny tried to steal a Monet. She’s definitely my daughter, that one.
I really didn’t read a lot this summer, my attention was elsewhere. Then I got behind on posting about books, and when that happens, my feet get really draggy. So here is a catch up post. From Grouchy To Great:… Read more ›
We’ve been back in school (Flying Butler Academy) for two weeks now, and have settled into a routine. Every year I create a basic schedule for the day, and this year I decided to try something different- splitting the school… Read more ›
Yesterday we explored an area we hadn’t been to yet in Jiyugaoka in search of a temple that my friend posted about on Facebook. (I love FB for that reason.) We found it, and it was incredible. It’s on the… Read more ›